Esmalte KO-811: características técnicas

¡Hola a todos!

En este vídeo vamos a hablar sobre el esmalte KO-811.

Como sabéis, el esmalte es un material vítreo que se aplica sobre metales, cerámica u otros materiales para protegerlos y decorar.

El esmalte KO-811 es un esmalte epoxi de dos componentes. Es un esmalte de alta calidad y resistencia, que se utiliza para proteger superficies metálicas de la corrosión y el desgaste.

En este vídeo, vamos a ver las características técnicas del esmalte KO-811. Veremos su composición, su resistencia a la corrosión y al desgaste, y su resistencia a la temperatura y a los productos químicos.

También veremos cómo se aplica el esmalte KO-811, y cuáles son las precauciones que debemos tomar.

¡Espero que este vídeo os resulte interesante!

Resistencia al calor:

El Esmalte KO-eight-one-one es un revestimiento resistente al calor que puede soportar temperaturas de hasta eight hundred °C. Esto lo hace ideal para su uso en aplicaciones de alta temperatura, como calderas, hornos y chimeneas.

Resistencia a la corrosión:

The KO-eight hundred eleven enamel is also resistant to corrosion, making it a good option for use in hostile environments. It can withstand exposure to chemicals, solvents, and saltwater.


The KO-eight-one-one Enamel has excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates, including steel, aluminum, and concrete. This ensures that the coating remains in place even in challenging conditions.


The KO-eight hundred eleven Enamel is a flexible coating that can withstand thermal expansion and contraction. This makes it ideal for use in applications where temperature changes are expected.


The KO-eight hundred eleven enamel is available in a variety of finishes, including matte, satin, and glossy. This allows you to choose the finish that best suits your needs.

Consumption per one square meter:

The consumption of Enamel KO-eight-one-one per one square meter is approximately a quarter liter. This means that one liter of paint will cover approximately four square meters.

Tiempo de secado:

The drying time of the KO-811 Enamel is approximately twenty-four hours. However, the actual drying time may vary depending on the temperature and humidity.

Recomendaciones de aplicación:

The KO-eight-one-one Enamel should be applied on a clean, dry, and grease-free surface. It is recommended to apply two coats of paint to achieve the best results.

Precauciones de seguridad:

El Esmalte KO-eight-one-one es inflamable. Manténgalo alejado del calor y las llamas. Use equipo de protección personal, como guantes y gafas de seguridad, al manipular la pintura.


The KO-eight-one-one Enamel is a heat, corrosion, and weather-resistant coating that is ideal for a variety of applications. Its excellent adhesion, flexibility, and finish make it a good choice for your next project.

El Esmalte KO-eight-one-one se aplica mediante brocha, rodillo o pistola. La superficie a pintar debe estar limpia, seca y libre de polvo, grasa y óxido. Se recomienda aplicar una capa de imprimación antes de aplicar el esmalte.

The KO-eight-one-one Enamel dries to the touch in approximately thirty minutes and cures completely in twenty-four hours. A second coat can be applied after four hours.

The KO-eight hundred and eleven Enamel is a flammable product. Contact with the skin and eyes should be avoided. It is recommended to use gloves, safety glasses, and a respirator when handling the product. In case of skin contact, wash with plenty of water and soap. In case of eye contact, wash with plenty of water for fifteen minutes and seek medical attention.

The enamel KO-eight hundred eleven must be stored in a cool and dry place, away from sources of heat and ignition. The container must be tightly closed when not in use.

The KO-eight hundred eleven Enamel is a high-quality alkyd enamel that offers excellent resistance to heat, corrosion, and chemicals. It is also resistant to abrasion and impact.

The Enamel KO-eight-one-one is available in a variety of colors. It can be applied to a variety of surfaces, including metal, wood, concrete, and masonry.

The consumption of Enamel KO-eight-one-one is approximately zero point one five liters per square meter per layer.

The KO-eight hundred eleven Enamel is a heat-resistant coating that can withstand temperatures of up to two hundred degrees Celsius. It is ideal for use in high-temperature applications, such as boilers, ovens, and pipes.

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